Have Fun

I have been a little in and out of writing lately, which for me isn’t unusual because I get wrapped up in life, or have writer’s block. The reason for this writing hiatus though is different than one I am use to having.

I have been enjoying life without regret.

Hear me out on this one. I tend to enjoy life, and go with the flow. I am an adventurous person, and I never stay still for long, but what I tend to do is play the blame game.

I like to put myself in the hot seat for no plausible reason, or let’s say I use to.

I would get upset with myself for choosing something fun over something productive. I would blame myself for confusion because I was not using my brain enough. Everything had to be over thought about.

Catch that. I didn’t say thought about, or considered; I said over thought.

I would overthink when I would do my homework, when I would write a blog post, when I would spend time with friends, when to be home, when to go to sleep, you name it, I over thought it.

This is such an exhausting way to live, because even when you are finding joy in the life you live, you are also beating yourself up over being joyful.

How stupid right?

I have never heard so many people begging me to just have fun.

When I was on vacation over thinking about things back home all i would get back was “Stop it. Have fun and enjoy your vacation.”

When I was saying no to plans during my graduation week and apologizing I would hear “Have fun and enjoy your weekend celebrating your accomplishment.”

Even when I had talked about plans I had made with friends I was constantly being told to have fun. As I took a step back to think about this for the three weeks I haven’t been writing, I realized how often I can squash good moments by over thinking.

To all my fellow over thinkers out there, HAVE FUN.

Stop over analyzing and beating yourself up for choosing to do something that has absolutely done no harm to you.

You are allowed to hangout with friends without feeling like you should have been doing work. You are allowed to relish the celebratory moments you have. You are allowed to unapologetically make plans with people and stick to them.

For some reason we are brainwashed into thinking that purpose has to produce pressure.


When you are living life on purpose and for a purpose you are SUPPOSE TO have fun. It is a byproduct of living on purpose.

This past Wednesday I heard a sermon at James River Youth, and the quote that punched me right in the gut was “some people replace purpose with pressure.” They should have just said my name right in the middle of the message, because that was an @ to me.

Sometimes I replace purpose with pressure. I get caught up in what I THINK I should be doing that I do not enjoy the things I GET to do.

If you are anything like me then I have one thing to tell you. Stop. Suffocating. Yourself.

You do not have to have everything planned out perfectly. AND IF YOU DO it is okay to deviate from the plan just a little bit.

Stop making unnecessary rules for your life, and enjoy the moments you have. Take the pictures with your friends. Enjoy the moments you get to do the crazy life things.


The quickest way to breaking is not ever allowing yourself to bend.

Life is going to make you bend a little. Not everything goes as planned. So have fun with the life you have been given. Leave the over thinking for later. Today is the day to experience it all while you can.

Take it from me; life is way more fun when you choose to have fun.

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